Marketing Data Interactive's Business Database
You can now reach 24 million executives in 14 million businesses thru the multi sourced Marketing Data Interactive Business database. The file is compiled from several sources that include yellow pages, credit bureau information, special trade directories, legal filings, government data, financial data, internet, state licensing, and more. This dynamic business database is the most updated file on the market with an update schedule every eight weeks. The Marketing Data Interactive Business Executive master file contains highly responsive business data for offline, online and multi-channel marketing campaigns. Through our proprietary data analysis process, we have the unique ability to convert basic business information into valuable and useable business marketing data.
In today’s market place both small and large companies must choose intelligently on where they spend their limited marketing dollars. One of the most important aspects in targeting businesses is the appropriate utilization and selection of the various business selections in order to reach the correct prospect. With our 50 years of experience we can help define the best prospects for your specific offer or product.
At the end of the day it’s quality and not quantity that counts, if you want to maximize your return on investment from your direct marketing campaign, targeting your core audience is key. With a multi-layered and diverse number of selections you now have a rich data source which will allow you to target any specific segment of Marketing Data Interactive’s Business database.
Marketing Data Interactive Business Selections:
Annual Sales Volume Gender
Employee size Headquarter/Branch
Franchise Job Title
Telephone Fax Number
Executives by Ethnicity SIC Code/Industry Type
Years in Business Minority Owned
Women Owned Square Footage
Owns/Rents Medical Professions
Year Started Import/Export